GTFP service token for exchange and commission within the project created by Arvy Nyfs

Total users


Curent volume



The main objective of the GTFR Project is creation of a safe for users GTFR crypto wallet in which a commission of 1 GTFR service token will be charged per a transaction; creation of a gold reserve for GTFR service token holders in the amount of 0.01 grams of gold per 1 GTFR service token; 50 % of commission will be used for purchase of gold to support the token, 50 % will be burnt.

Auxiliary mechanism of GTFR token liquidity increase

Purchase of rated companies’ shares by Arvy Nyfs. The dividend profit from the shares will be used both for replenishment of th​e GTFR service token safety reserve in golden equivalent at the rate of 0.01 grams of gold per 1 GTFR service token, and for replenishment of the GTFR service token liquidity pool at exchanges and other trading platforms.

Last news & info

Road map

May ​2023

Publishing of the GTFR Whitepaper

May ​2023

GTFR crypto currency block emission


 Creation of a blockchain for the GTFR project operation


Creation of a crypto wallet on the basis of the GTFR blockchain


Reduction of the GTFR service token emission volume in the process of the GTFR crypto wallet operation – till the GTFR service token reaches the price of 0.01 grams of gold.


Creation and replenishment of the GTFR service token safety reserve in gold equivalent in the amount of 0.01 grams of gold per 1 GTFR service token 


Creation, support and promotion of startups in the crypto currency sphere